Newest Doctor Who episode: s14/01e00 - "The Church on Ruby Road" (25/12/2023)
Upcoming Doctor Who episode: s14/01e01 - ??? (10/05/2024)
Newest The Magnus Protocol episode: 11 - "Marked" (PATREON 09/04/2024) (PUBLIC 11/04/2024)
Upcoming The Magnus Protocl episode: 12 - ??? (PATREON 16/04/2024) (PUBLIC 18/04/2024)
Newest Weclome to Night Vale episode: 246 - "A Story About Him" (15/04/2024)
Literally nothing important compared to the new Welcome to Night Vale episode.
Do not give a fuck, it's all Night Vale, babyyy.
Hi, can we move on to WTNV already?
Right before I found out about the new Night Vale, I was talking to someone on Tumblr about how much I was obsessed with Abby and Cecil. My conclusion? I willed Abby Palmer into existence. Holy fuck, her voice.
So, I was just chilling on Tumblr at around midnight, when I saw a post saying something about a new Night Vale, and then I go onto Spotify to check to see it. Nothing there. I then go on YouTube and see the description. The voice of Abby. The voice of fucking Abby. Unfortunately for me, I have to wait until the morning proper to listen to it, and all the time I am losing my fucking shit. Abby Palmer. ABBY PALMER REAL! Owls on the episode cover art? What the fuck?
Now, before I start being abnormal about the episode, I need to spend a brief amount of time discussing the cover art, which is VERY cool! It's got a person who is (probably) Cecil and Abby's father, but he's obscured by owls, a common theme with him. Then he's also got branches from the chair he's sitting it. This episode art is very reminicent of the "It Sticks With You" art, which has owls and branches as well. It is also the first episode where owls are mentioned in the spooky way, and I believe the first mention of Cecil and Abby's dad. Or, at least, the one where Cecil dies in a tree three times. Lol. Lmao even.
Abby Palmer's voice is incredible. I love it so much. I cannot believe we are hearing her on voice on podcast.
Last edited 15/04/2024, 10:18 AM.