This arrangement is about love and trust.

She lunges for your throat, teeth sinking in,
You love her so much your heart races from the blood loss,
You love her more than you love living, more than you love that your heart beats in 4/4 timing.

She might apologise, afterwards, put a bandage on your neck,
And you will forgive her. You will have nothing to forgive.
And she will never stop.

She'll pin you against the wall,
And you'll wish just once she kissed you.

But she licks your neck with her tongue,
Sandpaper like a cat's.

She'll bite down and start to drink,
And you'll wish just once she killed you,
Ruptured the wrong artery in your neck,
And you could die feeding her,
But not having to be there for it.

Background Information
Written 8 April 2024.

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